Art/writing tip. Creating atmosphere in your art and writing. Atmosphere is not bound to the earth elements; it can convey emotion, consciousness, or simply the point of view from your audience. My art aids my writing, and my writing helps my art. Don’t get inside your head, let go wnd see where it takes you. You can always edit/touch up your work later. I was working on my sequel yesterday—a difficult part involving the creation of a place no one has seen, I took a psychological approach and I remembered something from my childhood that I hadn’t thought about in probably 30 years. Creating a conscious atmosphere did this. It was pretty trippy. What do you hear, see, feel? What does the ground feel like under your bare feet? Break down to basics, wnd work. #arttutorial #artisttalk #kelliethomaswalker #painting #painter #jumperbook #jumperbookseries #portraitart #portraitart #orihinalartwork #contemporaryart #portraiture #fineart #art #writing #LA #longbeach #celestial