Query letter for my book

Writing my first query letter draft. It’s all a new process for me. I know how the art world works. Gallery submissions, exhibition guidelines. Blah, blah blah. I’ve been piling over Pinterest on how to submit to literary agents or publishers.
General perception on book publication is this: you write a book, revise and edit…and POOF! You publish it for the masses. I admit, I once had this idea, but this past year I have come to realize what I had was an ideal.
How many times do people ask me, why am I know showing my art everywhere. Point blank, it’s not that easy. There’s a world of amazing artists, and now I am realizing that the literary world is an astoundingly similar model.
My book is almost ready to start submitting, but I am afraid. That same apprehension that caused me to take a step back from exhibiting my art is gnawing beneath my skin. I know my book can help people. That is my full intention. This past year, the need for hope has become more acute than ever. I don’t desire fame or riches. If I leave this world knowing I helped one person, I leave satisfied.

So, today I forced myself (after I lit my Black Cherry Merlot candle) to sit down and write my first agent, publisher query letter.
Painting/drawing a person is so much easier. I keep telling myself it will get easier. I used to suck at painting. Small moves Kellie. I remind myself over and over. Significant change doesn’t come immediately. It births its way from an idea, the gently molds it’s path over time. #amwriting #query #literaryagent #publishing #art #yafiction #scifibooks #unsteady #sketch