Excerpt from my book “WRECKED”

To not have your suffering recognized is a form of violent neglect.  Until recently I couldn’t handle silence.  I had to have some sort of white noise. To drown out those thoughts that squiggle to the surface. 

   But now I crave silence. The neglected memories no longer lay dormant in the back cages of my mind. I’ve freed them. But they still hang around. Laying their permeable surfaces open to new memories. In a interfusion of past and present. Creating something new in me. Like the blend of my art and my writing. Writing preexisted my art, but again I neglected it for a solid twenty years.  Like my hometown, I loved it-but I left it. My friends, I loved them-but I left them. My writing-I loved them, but I left them. My house, the land-I loved it but I left it.  Self protection I suppose. To leave those things, and people that were bound not by their will to my  virulent past; was not only self-protection but temporary salvation.  

  My painting of the woman floating in the water brings its exquisite silence almost tangible upon viewing. Part of me floats in the water with her. Hauntingly still. Waiting. 

After the epic battle of my past and my present, the old me and the new have found a way to coexist. I had no idea that there was room. If there’s room, then there’s room for me to be a mother, wife, writer, artist, sister and often daughter.  

All these years the guilt I carried like an albatross carries little footing. It barely holds on as I kick it off my foot every morning.  “WRECKED”©️


 #3 of •WRECKED• final tweaking done. Go to my IG for more updates on new work Kellie Thomas-Walker


When I paint hair or fabric (layered fabric) I used a long round tip brush with heavy body paint/gloss medium. Thin the paint out so that the long swipe of the brush can move smoothly. Oh her dress I had a spray bottle of water. After each swipe I would spray then swipe the brushwork with my fingers. I used a veridian green mixed with black then went back over with a sheer pale blue for highlights. Her hair since she’s laying down surrounded by glowing fire her hair shouldn’t be one hair color. Adding in heated tones that I premixed days ago, based on magenta, pyrole red, Quinacridone Nickel Azo Gold and green gold bring out the glow. (Link in bio for backstory to Fire Series) Play with your mixtures to get your desired hues. I get my brushes (weekly lately) at Art Supply Warehousein Westminster 


Day 3, started painting her face which is extremely difficult due to the immense texture from the painting beneath it


Started paintingmy new ladyfloating in water with fire nearby/part #4 in my Fire Series 


I made my own medium to cover an old 48x48 the I did a quick sketch of a lady floating in water. For me it really helps me to reverse sketch in white on a dark surface to see my plan
