When I paint hair or fabric (layered fabric) I used a long round tip brush with heavy body paint/gloss medium. Thin the paint out so that the long swipe of the brush can move smoothly. Oh her dress I had a spray bottle of water. After each swipe I would spray then swipe the brushwork with my fingers. I used a veridian green mixed with black then went back over with a sheer pale blue for highlights. Her hair since she’s laying down surrounded by glowing fire her hair shouldn’t be one hair color. Adding in heated tones that I premixed days ago, based on magenta, pyrole red, Quinacridone Nickel Azo Gold and green gold bring out the glow. (Link in bio for backstory to Fire Series) Play with your mixtures to get your desired hues. I get my brushes (weekly lately) at Art Supply Warehousein Westminster